Monday, January 29, 2007

Caryn James, Why Do You Waste Our Time?

Yet another article in the NYTimes Film section that is ridiculous. In the article Caryn James laments about the dullness and repetitiveness of awards show speeches by the actors who keep winning their categories. Try to cloak thanks in an entertaining package, James suggests, citing Mirren (whose mantelpiece must be sagging under the weight of all those statuettes) and Hugh Laurie as examples. Then she suggests that the blandness of the speeches have something to do with an apolitical mood in Hollywood. Um. And then she calls Ellen Degeneres "namby-pamby." No joke. I'm not going to include a link to this article because I don't want you to have go through the random pointlessness of that piece. Seriously. The NYTimes needs some new Film writers.

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In summing up, I wish I had some kind of affirmative message to leave you with. I don't. Would you take two negative messages?
-- Woody Allen