Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Lovely Jackson

It would be ironic if I developed carpal tunnel not because of the hours I spend on this damnable machine but from lifting books all day. My poor little right wrist is aching something fierce. Fierce, I say. (Fierce.)

Axiom I don't understand: "You made your bed, now you have to sleep in it." Don't you make your bed after you're already up for the day, and hence, you don't actually have to sleep in it. You could go to a hotel that night, or not go to sleep at all. You could fall asleep in your chair after a long night studying, book still open in your lap. You could pass out drunk on someone's futon. Who knows?

I'm a fan of New York Magazine. Well, insomuch as I peruse it online from time to time. But I think whoever wrote the little blurb on Peter Jackson anticipating a budget of 65 mil for "The Lovely Bones" knows nothing about the film industry. 65 million is perfectly reasonable for a film that is probably going to want to attract some big names and while crazy f/x aren't going to be necessary, this is Peter Jackson. As in, Peter "my movies look friggin gorgeous because I make sure my audience gets their money's worth" Jackson. You want the best, 65 million is chump change.

Especially since every woman between 30 and 80 is probably going to see this movie. And possibly me. And, if it's PJ, maybe a few guys too.

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In summing up, I wish I had some kind of affirmative message to leave you with. I don't. Would you take two negative messages?
-- Woody Allen