Sunday, July 1, 2007

Baltimore, Harrisburg Senators, and lack of sleep

Finished A Clockwork Orange. Deranged book and incredibly difficult. I don't know how you read the book not knowing Russian, and it was plum rough going even when you do know it, but it's a real horrorshow read. Rec'd.

Watched Apocalypto. Though I too am wary of supporting Mad Mel Gibson, you got to admit, the film, while madly violent, is also a pretty damn fine piece of film-making. Original, arresting, and by far the most interesting film I've seen about Native Americans/American Indians -- ever.

Friday night went to a minor league baseball game in Harrisburg on City Island. Passed a place called Radius with a giant chick in the window. Senators were up 5-0 against the Reading Phillies when it started to rain and we chucked it. Some guy named Garciaparra was playing. Not Nomar. Obvi.

Saturday to Baltimore's Inner Harbor, which Blessed Be, had a Cheesecake Factory. Lovely day, bought an utterly inappropriate T-shirt for my stepdad, which I realized, thankfully, five minutes later and had the chance to return, and impulse purchased six books at (don't throw junk at me) Barnes and Noble. Sahara by Michael Palin, a for-some-reason shrink-wrapped Evia by Sarah Wheeler, The Sea by John Banville, The Children of Men by PD James, The Piano Tuner by Daniel Mason and Under the Volcano by Malcolm Cowley. This was a bit of a mistake.

Today was supposed to be my "day off." Instead one of the campers woke me up at 6 with a dislocated shoulder and that took up the morning. Gettysburg Hospital's lovely by the way. Then we had to go into the rodeo around which Gettysburg unspools with the kidalings. Went and sat at a bakery place called Seasons or something. The "male nurse" then lost one of our volleyballs in the rather repugnant manmade lake where we have our barbeques...

And that was my weekend. Je suis fatigue.

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In summing up, I wish I had some kind of affirmative message to leave you with. I don't. Would you take two negative messages?
-- Woody Allen