Friday, July 13, 2007

the rose stands alone

Should I someday have a suitable cash flow, I might actually be inclined to have a hidden door bookshelf. However, I don't know what precisely I might be trying to conceal behind this hidden door bookshelf, especially since part of me would be desperately hoping that all visitors would come upon it unawares. In fact I might be tempted to make it a not-so-hidden door bookshelf... I have to think this over a bit more...

One of the most interesting parts of Pan's Labyrinth, which I just showed to my class this morning, is the story Ofelia tells her little brother about the rose that offers eternal life and has thorns of deadly poison. No one is intrepid enough to climb the mountain and take the rose's gift -- too afraid of the poison -- so the rose wilts. This is not how most stories following such a premise are structured, and yet, it makes sense. What are you willing to sacrifice? For most of us the moon is too frightening a thing to shoot...

One last quote from yesterday...

Student X: State with alot of Mormons...
Student M: Minnesota!

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In summing up, I wish I had some kind of affirmative message to leave you with. I don't. Would you take two negative messages?
-- Woody Allen